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At we firmly believe we provide an unmatched customer experience and trust our members recognize that as well! Here are just 5 reasons why:

customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we’ve got the feedback to prove we deliver!

Dedicated insurance advisor to help answer your questions and help you with your purchase

Responsive, reliable and dedicated claims manager to offer advice, reassurance and assistance when you need it most.

Competitive prices and comprehensive products providing the cover you need at a price you can afford from the insurers you can trust

Great value-added services such as discount vouchers that are sent with your policy: you just keep on saving with BAZDXB.COM


This would initially depend on whether you are a homeowner or a tenant. It would also be influenced by your own needs, items you are looking to insure and their values. Broadly speaking, there are two main areas of cover to consider as a first step: buildings and contents or contents only (note there are other sections to these policies but these are the main considerations initially).



If you are a homeowner, you are eligible to purchase this cover. Buildings insurance covers your property against any physical damage to the property against common perils such as fire, storm, impact, etc. In addition, your legal responsibility to others arising out of your homeownership (known as property owners’ liability) is also covered.


Contents & Personal Belongings:

Contents insurance provides cover for the items inside your home such as TVs, “white goods” (kitchen and laundry appliances) and furniture items such as sofas, tables & chairs, rugs & carpets. The perils insured against mirror those of a buildings insurance and may also include accidental damage and damage in transit: invaluable if you smash that favourite vase or drop the TV whilst moving home! Many policies also offer the option to extend cover to include items removed from your home, such as a laptop, mobile phone, or jewellery that is being worn by you.


Cover will of course vary depending on the type of policy you select, but if we consider a typical home contents insurance policy you will be covered against damage to or loss of the contents of your home such as your furniture, electronic appliances and fixtures & fittings: as well as your personal belongings such as important documents and portable electronics. You can definitely personalise your home insurance policy to match your specific needs.


At we’re proud to have enjoyed a lot of years experience of helping customers with their insurance needs and over these years have built great partnerships with the leading and most respected home insurers in the Dubai/UAE market: big names such as AXA, RSA, Oman, Salama and many more. Our relationships and reputation mean we can secure great deals, discounts and covers that are the best in the market and pass all these benefits on to you!




When completing the proposal form, always value your building based on its re-build cost and not its market value. This is because insurers use this as the basis of insurance and in the event of a claim. The good news is that re-build value is generally considerably less than market value which means you’ll pay a lesser premium too!



Contents are the items found inside your home and include pieces of furniture, white goods, electronic devices etc. Even if you aren’t sure of the exact figures per item, you should give an approximate total value.



These are items that you typically take with you out and about and even overseas when you travel. Things like jewellery, watches, laptop and mobile phone. Again don’t worry if you don’t know exact values at the quote stage: an approximate figure will do but you should make sure you have adequately insured if you proceed with the cover

Super Easy 3 step process to get your Home Insurance


Getting a home insurance quote with us is simple and stress-free. If you can provide us with a few pieces of key information we’ll take care of everything and come up with a range of quotes for you to consider. Of course, we will need the basics such as your contact details (name, phone number, address and email) as well as a few pieces of personal information that would help us find the right home insurance policy for you, such as:

If you’re a tenant or homeowner.

Type of home you live in: ie. shared occupancy, apartment or villa.

What are you looking to insure: buildings, contents, personal possessions, or a combination.

The various insurable values/limits of benefit that you would like to apply to these different coverages.


Why buy Home insurance?

Whether you own or rent, Home insurance is always advised so that your assets are protected. A comprehensive Home insurance policy offers invaluable protection against a whole host of perils such as fire, flood, storm and even theft and accidental damage, so is well worth considering.

Although Home insurance in itself is not mandatory, if you have a mortgage or any form of secured lending linked to the property, the bank or company providing the finance usually require proof of suitable and adequate insurance.

And even if your home is finance-free (for example you rent and have no secured lending), could you afford to replace any or all of your contents in the event of an unforeseen incident? Home insurance is a very affordable option and a few dirhams can potentially save you thousands!

If you’re a homeowner, you’re eligible to buy a Home insurance policy that covers both Buildings and Contents: as well as other coverages like personal possessions and property owner’s liability. Note that if you’re a tenant, your landlord is responsible for insuring the building (and associated property owner’s iability) and you should ask them for a copy of the relevant insurance in place. You can, however, insure any items/risks relevant to your occupancy, such as contents, personal possessions and occupier’s/tenant’s liability.

  • For homeowners– cover for loss of or damage to buildings, contents and personal possessions including home and away cover. Buildings cover includes perils such as fire, flood and accidental damage and the policy also extends to include loss of rent (if you’re a landlord and due to an insured event your tenant cannot temporarily continue occupation) and alternative accommodation costs (if you have to rent a property elsewhere for your habitation due to an insured event preventing your occupation of your property).
  • For tenants– cover for contents and personal possessions such as mobile phones, mobile technology and valuables like jewellery both in and outside the home (note that differing limits may apply when items are temporarily removed). Note that some policies also include the costs of alternative accommodation if they cannot inhabit the property due to an insured event.
  • For both/either – cover for any injury, damage, or loss sustained to/by a third party arising out of your liability as the owner or tenant of the property

Most policies have restrictions for unoccupancy meaning that if you are not resident in the property for a specified period of time, your policy coverage becomes inoperative. Typical policy periods range from 45-60 days upwards. Always check insurer’s terms and conditions for what would apply.

Assuming that minimum sums insured/values covering contents and personal possessions are used, costs can start from as little as AED 430 – AED 450 inclusive of applicable VAT @5%. Note that if arranging an insurance with buildings cover included, the premium charged will be based on the estimated cost to rebuild the property (known as reinstatement value) and not its market value.

There are several factors that influence and determine the price of your policy: the main ones being past claims history, the location of your property and any known risks associated (is it in an area with a past history of fire, theft, flood etc), your home’s physical condition (ie. standard of maintenance and construction), and of course, insurable values to be applied.


Yes, it is possible to cover these items but note that the extent of cover may vary from insurer to insurer. Typical cover from leading insurers offers cover on a worldwide basis for up to 90 days

Whilst there may be a number of covers excluded under a Home insurance policy, those typically excluded are:

  • Unoccupancy for more than a 45-60 day period
  • Depreciation
  • Wear and tear
  • Gradually operating cause (like water damage caused by a dripping/leaking pipe)

Yes, most policies have an option to cover Domestic Helpers in respect of their medical and/or repatriation expenses.

Most policies have an extension for temporary alternative accommodation costs following an insured event. Note that this may or may not be included as standard so always check terms and conditions.

It is possible to cover short term rentals but this should be via an All Risks policy and not a standard Home policy. Contact an advisor at for more information.